why your book's still not done

How to stop procrastinating and finish your book.

Mo was frustrated. He'd promised himself he would write a book.

He'd told friends, family and colleagues he would write a book. Then he got stuck. This happens to 99% of authors. Mo was determined to get his book finished and so he took action. He reached out to us and hired one of our coaches. He hired Phil. Phil is an award-winning author. He's coached hundreds of authors and ghostwritten other bestselling books. He knows a lot about crafting an excellent book. Phil has spent time reviewing Mo's writing, giving feedback, editing, answering questions and coming up with a plan. It doesn't stop there. Phil also keeps Mo accountable. He sets him a target for the next month so Mo knows what he needs to complete. This keeps the project moving at a great pace. A writing coach is there every step of the way to keep you accountable and make sure you achieve your goal. Authors tell us all the time that publishing a book is a lifelong dream. If you're still waiting for that dream to come true then writing coaching can help you achieve that dream. We've only got 10 slots available for our Dedicated Coaching Program. Read more about how writing coaching works.If you don't want to miss this opportunity, reply to this email with the word FINISH. I can then send you a detailed breakdown of the costs and what's included.

Slots are first come first serve and already going fast.Best,Patrick founder & ceo PublishingPush.com