I cried reading this

Helping this frustrated author realise their publishing dreams.

Wow, I just cried at my desk.

This email hit me right in the feels. It came from an author who was frustrated. He was sick of being rejected.

He’d been to a series of literary agents and faced a series of rejections.

Richard had been driven to despair. He wanted to bring these books to life more than anything. He’d poured so much hard work into crafting these stories.

Richard was starting to doubt himself. Were these agents right?

We offered him a review service. We charge for this, but we give honest feedback about the quality of the book submitted.

Richards’s book was wonderful. This is the case for almost all the authors we review. They have great books but the submissions process has made them question their craft.

Richard is now pressing ahead with publishing four books with us over the coming months and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

This is EXACTLY the reason I and my team have built Publishing Push.

If you would like an honest, independent review of your book or to press ahead with publishing your story - just reply with the word “story

Much love,

Patrick - the Publishing Push founder and owner.