don't just publish on Amazon, here's why

Amazon is not the best place to publish and here's why

Yesterday Don asked me:Whats the benefit of using our services when I could just publish with Amazon?

This is a great question and I wanted to share my answer with you. I'm sharing this because it's a great question and its even more important to understand why. A dedicated publishing teamWhen you use our services you get a dedicated publishing team. You get a dedicated project manager to help you every step of the way. They will help you decide on everything from your book size to your blurb. You get professional editors, formatters and cover designers making the very best version of your book. Not something you get when you publish with Amazon.

Availability & distributionIf you publish with Amazon only your book won't be available in WHSmith, Waterstones or hundreds of other physical stores. You will only be on Amazon. A physical retailer is interested once your book starts doing well and they want to order copies. You will need to republish the entire book with proper distribution. Amazon ISBN's only work on Amazon. They keep that quiet(ish). This wider distribution also generates more interest and awareness. QualityThe print quality when you go directly through Amazon KDP is not as good as when you use a more professional distributor. You get more options and like I said - the book looks and feel much better.

MarketingNot only will have your book available on more outlets boost your marketing but some promotional sites (like BookBub) won't even consider your book if its Amazon only. Yes, it's snobby but thats how it is. We don't make the rules. Meta dataThis is your genre, categories, blurb, description and all the other bits we don't think about when publishing a book. Its also really important because it help more people find your book naturally via the search algorithm. MistakesWhen publishing for the first time there are lots of things you won't be aware of - we help you navigate this process. Our goal is to make sure you get it right first time. RoyaltiesYou still get paid the same. We don't take any of your royalties we just charge our fee to cover all the work we are doing on your behalf. I could go on but those are the main reasons along with a whole host of other benefits we provide.