🤑 do hardbacks make authors more money?

An author told me he made more money from his hardback than his paperbacks 🤯

Hey, fellow bookworms 👋Recently I was relaxing, listening to a podcast from Ryan Holiday (bestselling author and bookstore owner) who is also self-published. He was bragging about how well his writing career was going. Yeah, I know bore off Ryan. AND then he said something that made me pause."yeah I make more money from my hardbacks than my paperbacks" pause, rewind, play..."yeah I make more money from my hardbacks than my paperbacks" Okay, I wasn't hearing things. I had to fact-check this and see if what he was talking about was true. So I did some research.

I managed to dig up the royalty rates for authors IF you were traditionally published (this made me shed a tear 😭)Hardcover sales: 15%Trade paperback sales: 7.5%Mass-market paperback sales: 5%Those poor traditional authors. But this did start to confirm what Ryan said was true. Now let's look at self-published authors. Self-published authors will keep 60% of the book's sale price after the cost of printing and posting the book has been deducted on both paperback and hardback. The cost of printing a hardback is only marginally more than printing a paperback. This means what Ryan said is true. On top of this, you can charge more for a paperback which means this is the place you can make more per book.If you're thinking of publishing with us I would recommend adding a hardcover option for an additional £370.80 AND if you have already published with us we could always bolt this on for you. Now my question for you is do you prefer a hardback or a paperback book?