My honest opinion about self-publishing after 10 years

Is it really the better option vs traditional publishing

10 years ago I started helping authors self-publish. Why?Traditional publishing contracts were drying up. Authors signed to traditional contracts were unhappy. Low royalties and no marketing help, despite what they had been promised. Then came the hybrid publishers. They said don't worry we will publish your book for a fee (no issue with this) BUT of yes, we'd also like to take some royalties from you as well. Often they would take 75%! About the same as a traditional publisher. I said there MUST be a better way and Publishing Push was born. Yes, we take a fee to cover the publishing costs but you keep royalties, ownership or movie rights and the freedom to do what you want.

It was a hit. Authors loved this model and for good reason. 10 years on from when I first started what are my HONEST opinions of self-publishing?

📕 It's important.

Self-publishing has removed the restrictions on publishing. You no longer have to write what a group of old privileged chaps think is great. You no longer have to write your book to be the same as others they've already published because they don't want to take a risk.Most important of all is that you can share your story with the world and there is no one to stop you. 📕 Stack the deck.

It's important to invest in your self-published book. Good copy-editing, proofreading and cover design and typesetting are essential. You need a company that can help set up the distribution properly along with metadata and other essentials. If you're prepared to invest in your work then you can see great success. The more you invest in your work the greater your chance to see success with your book.

📕 You readers.

Do it for them. We know it can be nerve-racking when it comes time to release your book to the world. If you've written your book for a reason then there will be readers out there who will love it. People are waiting to read your book you just need to get it out to them. We see this all the time when authors release their book and get feedback. We've had feedback from readers saying an author's book has changed their lives. That is not uncommon and in fact it's quite a common occurrence.

📕 A dream.

For many, it's a dream to publish a book. We're only here for a short time and if you have a dream of achieving something then go for it. You shouldn't let anything put you off and you never know what that first book could lead to.Traditional publishers and agents are 10x more likely to work with you or take you on if you have already self-published and can show some traction. Even if it's a few thousand sales and some great reviews that is enough. It proves to them people like your writing and they know if they throw some marketing money behind your next book it may well take off.

📕 Memories.

Memoirs let you tell your story. How you want to tell it. It lets you leave a legacy for your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond to learn about you and your legacy. Memoirs are some of our favourites because people's lives are incredible. We come across some amazing stories that leave our jaws wide. I guarantee your life is probably more interesting than you think.

📕 Opportunities.

Often the most overlooked benefit. Even a book designed for a very small audience can bring in thousands of pounds. We've even heard of people securing tens of thousands of pounds in speaking gigs or consulting for clients because of the book they published. In many ways, a book is the new business card. What's the reason you want to publish your book? Drop me a reply to this email or tweet me @publishingpushAnd if you want to watch more about Self Publishing vs Traditional I made this video: