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A great lesson you can steal from game of thrones

GM authors πŸ‘‹

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 58 seconds 

  • πŸ’€ steal this writing hack from game of thrones

  • πŸ€‘ a quick hack to sell more books

  • πŸ† how realistic goals will make you more productive

πŸ’€ Game of Books - Writing Hack

Here's a great hack to HOOK your readers and improve your writing at the same time. Game of Thrones used this tactic so well. The story was unpredictable. No character was ever safe no matter how central to the story they appeared. This kept the readers and later viewers hooked to the story.

You never knew what would happen next and that was exciting. Try it and let me know how you get on.

πŸ’° Marketing Hack

Want a free way to promote your book to your target audience. Go to Twitter and search for finished reading [book that is similar to your book].

Then go through the list of top tweets and latest tweets and reply suggesting that now they have finished that book they might like to read your similar book πŸ˜‰TOP TIP - do it in a fun cheeky way. Don't be pushy. If you want more great ways to promote your book - take a look at our book marketing course.

πŸš€ Productivity Hack

A daily writing goal. Set yourself a goal to write for 5 minutes each day. Set yourself a goal to write 100 words. Set yourself a goal to just sit and hug your coffee in front of a blank page for 10 minutes. Okay, I'm kinda joking about the last one but you get the point. One of my favourite productivity hacks for authors is to set a goal. A goal keeps you accountable.

BUT set a realistic goal. Make it something you can stick to because if you set a wild unachievable goal it will be demotivating. You can always make your goal more challenging if it was too easy to start with. 

πŸ‘‚ Author Quotes

"Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be."

--Mark Twain

❀️ Author Stories

Pro’s of self-publishing (as opposed to traditional publishing)...

Self-publishing your book is printed on demand and available as an eBook. Print on demand significantly cuts waste, distribution and energy costs associated with the moving and storage of books. Printing happens at the closest point to where it's ordered therefore cutting the final mile delivery mileage to a minimum.

With traditional printing, books are normally printed in the Far East and shipped to the point of sale AND more books are printed than are needed leading to approximately 40% being pulped.

Meet our self-published author, Lorraine Finch. She has published her book on Low Cost/No Cost Tips for Sustainability in Cultural Heritage. Giving you tips and ideas on ways to reduce your impact on the planet. Something we all need to do more of. It has been a pleasure working alongside Lorraine to ensure we published her book in the quickest time frame possible and with ease. Go check her out by heading to her Instagram page @thecaringconservator

πŸŽ₯  YouTube Best Bits

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