🤫 Secret Amazon categories

How you can sell more books with this Amazon hack

GM authors 👋

We're your writing buddy. Your real writing buddy. Like if your phone was plugged in charging on 15% and we only had 2% battery we wouldn't unplug your phone to charge our own.

Let's get into the hacks!

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 43 seconds

  • 🤫 Secret Amazon categories

  • 🖊️ fail to outline, prepare to fail

  • 🎶 better writing might come from better beats

📈 Book Marketing Hack

Secret Amazon categories 🤫 When you upload a book to KDP, you are asked to choose two categories. But these don't have to be the ONLY two categories!

You can get into a lot more categories with a simple hack. Reach out to KDP Support and ask them to add you to additional categories. Yup, its actually that simple.

⛔ But first, you should research which categories you’d like your book added to. For that, you have two options:

  1. Head to the best-seller lists for the Kindle store or Books store, and drill down into categories in the right sidebar; or

  2. Use a tool like Publisher Rocket ($97, but well worth it if you’re also running Amazon ads) to bulk-analyze categories.

Then, just head to KDP Support and select “Update Amazon Categories” in the sidebar. Send only one email per book, and include all the categories you want your book added to.

⛔ Important: This is not a numbers game, so don’t try to get your book in as many categories as possible! Only include the most relevant ones

You can learn more about book marketing and Amazon ads in our book marketing course.

🖊️ Writing Hack

Outline. Seriously do it. A lot of people don't but having an outline and a plan will make your writing 10x better. It will also keep you on track. The biggest benefit is you can sit down and write. You don't waste time thinking about what should I write today or what do I need to write today. You already know what you need to be working on.

🚀 Productivity Hack

Music. I'm not talking about top hits blaring away in your ear. Listening to music to help you focus can really clear out distractions and keep you on course. Give it a try and let me know how you get on. This is what I was listening to when I wrote this newsletter:

👂 Author Quotes

"You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page"- Jodi Picoult

❤️ Author Stories

Colin Thistlewood

From aerospace to author. The Touchwood Chronicles is a semi-biographical novel that tells the story of a ministry of defence aerospace engineer embarking on an adventure to discover his spiritual self."I am absolutely delighted with the final outcome. The book looks great. Amazing colours and I like the quality of the paper too. BIG thanks to Scott and the team for your help along the way.I have already had a number of requests for signed copies from as far away as Australia. I have a website too, please take a look." https://corinthistlewood.ueniweb.com

Roy Wild

From surviving bombing raids during the Second World War to growing up and becoming part of London’s underworld.

For many years Roy regaled his children with exploits from his life. They asked Roy to write his life story. Roy started his book many years ago and would type a few words before saying ‘that's enough for today,’ and in the years that followed, they would ask "how's the book coming along dad?" "Fine" Roy would say, knowing he hadn't touched it for a couple of months. There was always something more important to do.Suddenly the Covid Pandemic was upon us and Roy became housebound at the insistence of his son and daughter. This gave Roy time to knuckle down and continue his story.It was all done from memories, written on scraps of paper that had filled an old cardboard box. Roy would wake up in the middle of the night, remember something and jot it down on a piece of paper.Roy noticed that the quest to write his life story was becoming enjoyable. It was no longer a chore. He fell in love with writing. Living those old memories at times has his eyes welling up. The book was completed at 150,000 words it was time to find a publisher.Roy says what he knew about publishing, formatting and proofreading is about as much as he knew about the flight deck of a Jumbo 747 Jet. Roy rang various publishing companies and finally came across Publishing Push with a guy at the helm by the name of Patrick 👋Roy says: "A lovely lady by the name of Kim was assigned as my Project Manager to deal with myself and my book. I found over time that Kim would always call me back straight away if I had any questions, she was always very patient and would explain things in great detail and never showed any sign of exasperation at my inability to understand something.I would strongly recommend Publishing Push to anybody thinking of writing their autobiography. This is a twenty-two-carat, copper-bottomed company, and I am so pleased I picked and stayed with these people. If I decide to write in another life, my next autobiography - and providing Publishing Push have an office in the ‘Great Somewhere’, these are the people I will use again. . ." 📕

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