Take Advantage of Our Summer Savings Today!

Finally become the self-published author you have always dreamed of being, and get a fantastic deal on your publishing package at the same time.

Happy Tuesday, authors! We here at Publishing Push are extremely glad that the sun has started to shine that little bit brighter, and we seem to be heading into what will hopefully be a much more creative time of year.

With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce our Summer Savings Pricing Plans! We have revised and reduced our pricing for our Complete Publishing Packages, which means now is as good a time as any to get that manuscript you’ve been dreaming of publishing out there for the world to read and enjoy.

Our new pricing plans look like the following:

  • For books fewer than 30,000 words: £2190

  • For books between 30,000-60,000 words: £2290

  • For books between 60,000-90,000 words: £2390

  • For books of 90,000+ words: £2490

We would love to get your publishing journey started today, so get in touch with Holly and Domizia in the Publishing Team by responding to this email with “Let’s publish”.

We can’t wait to hear from you! 📚