wanna see my swipe file?

Authors that do this write bestselling books.

GM authors πŸ‘‹

The newsletter that gives you the best writing hacks. BUT first I want to start with a story πŸ“– 

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 32 seconds 

  • πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ your book could save lives

  • β˜•οΈ the worlds quietest coffee shop

  • πŸ”₯ swipe right

❀️ Author Stories

⭐️ This could change your life. Trevor Lewis is passionate.

He's so passionate about helping people achieve their aspirations that he wrote a book on the topic. A book is your chance to share your story and to help other people. Often authors are concerned with how many books they will sell.

Instead I ask them -

How many people will your book help?How many people will your book inspire?How many lives could you book save?

I don't ask these questions to sell more publishing services (although that always helps). I ask these questions because everyday we hear stories from people whose lives have been saved by the books we have published.

Bryony Best who we've featured before and who wrote a book about addiction can certainly relate to this. She has had many people say this to her since she published her book.

Sure she's sold lots of books and made some money BUT the true satisfaction comes from those who love your bookπŸ“•β€οΈ

πŸ“ˆ Book Marketing Hack

Email marketing. Yup no shock here. If you're selling books or frankly selling anything you need to be using email marketing. Its how you build a relationship with your audience. We use an app called Beehiiv and I can't rate it enough. Its 1000x easier than everything else I have tried. Check it out here for free

πŸ–ŠοΈ Writing Hack

It's a personal one today. Find yourself some space. At home I have a toddler and puppy running around making noise all day. In the office I have 10 staff (who I love) but who have many questions. If I'm on my main computer I am getting Slack messages from the accounts team, marketing team etc. I have a coffee shop I go to for dedicated work time. It's so quiet. As I write this there are only 2 other people in here. Not great for the coffee shop. Good for me. Best buy a few extra coffees while I'm here. 

πŸš€ Productivity Hack

Swipe right. Not to get a date but to get a great idea for your writing. The best thing I started doing over the past few months is a swipe file. Anytime I see some writing that is amazing I put it in my swipe file. Not to copy it but to be inspired. I will have a look and ask what could I adapt or develop. I just keep this in my Notes app on my phone. You could do it manually or digitally. I highly recommend you give this a try. 

πŸ‘‚ Author Quotes

β€œEverybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any.” β€” Orson Scott

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