want to write with me?

I'm working on a book and I'm going to share my process of creating a concept.

The publisher whose never published.

Yup, that’s me. Why? We’ll get to that. I need a few more lines before we get that vulnerable.

2024 is the year it all changes.

Right now I’m working on 3 concepts for a book.

This is what most people miss when they write a book. They have the idea or what they want to say and they start.

They start tapping away on the keys and then lose their way.

It’s the other reason books take a long time to write. You need to put guard rails in place to stay on track. If you want any chance of a bestseller then you need a great concept.

This is something that people can’t resist picking up off the shelf.

I start by thinking about the title. What’s a compelling title that someone would have to pick up? That creates a curiosity gap.

Next, I start thinking about the book cover itself.

Tim Ferriss once admitted he would put fake books on bookshelves in bookshops. He would test different covers and sit for hours to see how many times people picked it up.

What bestselling authors know is that your title and your book cover are the most important thing.

This is called your concept.

So why has it taken me so long?

Honestly for three reasons.

First, it’s the case of the mechanic with the car that is overdue a service by 2 years.

I’ve been so busy helping everyone else write and publish their books for over 10+ years. I never got around to doing my own.

The second may shock you.

Imposter syndrome. It’s the most common thing authors say. And yes, I am a victim of it too. Should I be writing a book? Do I have anything interesting to say?

Yes! That is the answer. Everyone who has published with us has been super happy they did.

They have all exceeded their expectations.

It’s also high stakes for me. This is quite literally my job so whatever I write HAS to be good. That was a lot of pressure but I have taken that off my shoulder.

2024 is the year of creation.

I started to take YouTube seriously (my channel here) last year. That taught me a lot about just hitting publish and then moving on to the next video. Some fly and some flop. Just keep creating.

The third reason is I hadn’t given it the time. I took a solid two weeks off work over the festive period. I logged out of social media entirely.

I had time to think. Time to reflect on if I did write a book what would it be about? What topics am I passionate about? What have I maybe struggled with that I think could help others?

A trap we fall into here is thinking that we have to be experts on the topic before we start writing. You don’t.

You will be by the time you’ve finished the book.

I have three concepts I’m working on. I’m collecting feedback from people about which book title and concept appeals to them the most.

You can vote for your favourite here.

Maybe in 12 months, you will be reading the title you chose.

Finally, if you’d like help with:

  • developing a book concept

  • improving your current manuscript

  • creating an outline

  • writing your book

  • publishing or book

OR just to chat about publishing and the many options available we are always free for a chat.

Just reply to this email with the word: ‘publishing

Patrick 👋 

CEO & founder PublishingPush.com